For now, anyway. And yes, I went a bit mad with the icon on the left.
After 3 weeks and 2 days, this blog has not done even a single post (although I started this post 2 days ago). Why? It was definitely popular, but the contributors "didn't have time". Anyway, my 5th post is hoping to bring it all back.
Right, even though most of you are Doctor Who fans, I have picked on something I find quite disturbing. But quite good. Many of it's ideas.. have already been used. Mostly on Futurama, and sort of an anti one from A Town Called Eureka. Let's see what:
First, The Robot Santa's. In the Futurama episode "Xmas Story" (first aired in 1999), the Robot Santa had his debut, as a tyrannical Robot Santa with "naughty" standards set way too high. He then came back in "A Tale of Two Santas" (first aired in 2001). He then appeared in many other episodes and stories since. Now, the Doctor Who part of this. As you will probably all know, the evil Robot Santas were pilot fish, first in The Christmas Invasion, and again in The Runaway Bride. You can see the similarities in the picture below:

Blink. Now, just as most of them after this one is, I don't think this was intentional. Although it is very coincidental. Eureka had an episode in series 1(2006) called.. Blink. For the same reason. Sort of. In the episode there were scientists that could run super fast, and blink, and you'll miss them. Much like on Doctor Who. Now, half way through this paragraph I've noticed something really stupid. Doctor Who was first. In the Doctor Who Annual 2005. OK, this one doesn't count anyway.. although they could've taken the name. Not going so well here... Moving on, another that is probably not intentional.

Smith and Jones. As I said, this ones probably not intentional. Well, the whole trapped on the moon plot was used on the second ever Futurama episode in 1999, Episode Two The Series Has Landed. It featured Fry, Leela and Bender trapped on the moon, as was everyone in the hospital. The whole trapped on the moon part was still completely different. Next!

Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords. Again, this is complete and utter nonsense.But this featured the villain becoming the Prime Minister of Britain. On the Futurama episode A Head in Polls(1999), Richard Nixon, a corrupt and basically evil man (just on Futurama) was fighting to become the new President of Earth. And destroyed the White House. But there are many other examples of this, so..
Voyage of the Damned. Now this is the first one that I think is quite bad. It featured the famous cruise-liner, the cursed Titanic as a spaceship. Futurama episode 10, (1999 again) A Flight To Remember. It also featured the famous cruise-liner, the cursed Titanic as a spaceship. The only main difference was that in Futurama, it fell into a black hole, and on Doctor Who, it almost crashed into the Earth (Well, it did on Turn Left). This I cannot ignore. It is me, or is Russell T Davies a Futurama fan? That would be pretty awesome. For me anyway. Again, look.
The Unicorn and the Wasp. Now this one is not as bad, but still is pretty bad. Giant wasps, with a killer sting in it's tale. Futurama episode 66 (2003) The Sting. The Planet Express crew set to collect honey from Space Bees, in a giant hive in space. Ones a bee and the other's a wasp, but still. Even though the idea already creates a very obvious mental picture, look at the similarities!

Planet of the Dead? This story and the last of the 4 Futurama Straight-to-DVD movies both featured wormholes as part of the main plot. The Futurama's, Into The Wild Green Yonder was released in the UK on the 4th February, this year, and Planet of the Dead was only 2 months later, on the 11th April. Now, I'm not sure when Russell T Davies and Gareth Roberts started writing for this episode, but anyway, I guess it's another coincidence.

Dreamland...? All I know of this story, is that it's set in Roswell, New Mexico about the UFO incident. Other than that, I have no idea. So is it enough to say it's copied Futurama (Roswell That Ends Well episode) by setting in the famous UFO landmark (even though Doctor Who is horrendously late for having a story set in the most famous alien mystery ever)? Oh well! At least you'll be reading more on this blog! I'll still have to wait and see if Phil Ford has taken anything from Futurama...

Now, I guess this post has been somewhat a huge failure, when I started, I had the Titanic, the Robot Santa and a giant wasp/bee in mind, and had a twitch there'd be a lot more. Turns out I was wrong. But anyway, if this post helps the blog get back on it's feet, I'll consider it a C+.
I still LOVE Doctor Who though.. Just wanted to make that clear.
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